Skip Marley

Last month on a Saturday, while cleaning my house, I was listening to the Ari Lennox playlist on Spotify when I heard this dope song. I became curious to know who the other artist was on the track with her and found out that his name was Skip Marley.

Skip Marley was born in Kingston, Jamaica, and raised in Miami, FL. He is the grandson of Bob Marley and continues his famous grandfather’s legacy in music.

In true Millennial fashion, I went down a social media rabbit hole, and here’s what I found out about him.

Skip seems to be a bit shy, yet confident. He is mild-tempered yet commanding. He speaks in a low tone, with a slight lisp yet draws you in with his “Marley Mantras”, attentive listening, and infectious smile. As a performer, he embodies the same mannerisms as his grandfather with slight hints of today’s two-step and bop, making him quite captivating.

He’s family-oriented and speaks highly of his family, especially the women in his life, such as his mother, Cedella Marley, and his maternal grandmother, Rita Marley. This shows how grounded and humble he is, which is quite refreshing.

Lastly, while pushing the Marley legacy, he’s also carving his own lane. According to him, he wants his style of music to be genreless. Yet, from his debut single and latest EP, he can harness his lane in R&B. With the perfect mix of contemporary R&B and reggae, he is one to watch out for.

If you’d like to check out one of my favorite performances by him, click here or listen to his latest EP, Higher Place, below.

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I’m Tarreva

Welcome to Anatomy of Cancer, a space where I explore life’s intricacies, embrace vulnerability, sensitivity, and resilience, and highlight my love for pop culture. I hope you enjoy the ride.